Spiritual Guidance Sessions with Jessica Howard

Spiritual Guidance: Are you a seeker, in need of balance or simply have questions about spirituality or a “life path”?  We help individuals connect with their own “life path” by examining the framework and ancient teachings of P.O.T.E.G.P., and together create a road map towards a more peaceful way of living. 

I-Ching Readings: The basis for the Philosophy of Taoism comes from this ancient book of wisdom. Readings are done for individuals or small groups. If you have reached a crossroad and are seeking advice and or guidance on the next step to take, this special reading provides practical wisdom.  Sessions last 60-90 minutes, $75 per session

Jessica Howard is the Executive Director, Mentor & Guide of the P.O.T.E.G.P. Spiritual Guidance Center 501(c)(3). The Center was co-founded by Greg Squillante and Jessica in 2011. Learn More  

For inquiries or bookings:


Jessica (she/her)

email:  theheroncenter@gmail.com